Consulting Service
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Definition of business model and plan
Strategic analysis of the company, including analysis of performance and market position
We identify key factors for the success of your company and define your competitive advantage.
We will perform a complete strategic analysis of your company using detailed analysis of the relevant external environment (macroeconomic factors, market environment, competitive environment) and internal environment, including company resources and capabilities.
In the first phase, we will analyse and evaluate your company and the markets in which it operates and the markets in which you are considering an acquisition.
In the second phase, based on the analysis, we define possible variants of strategic direction and investment theses and help you choose the most suitable one, and based on it, identify the most suitable potential acquisition targets. We will help you create an attractive proposition for your acquisition goals and communication strategy towards your company internally, towards potential goals and towards the public.
Commercial due diligence.
Definition of a sales story for the entry of a financial or strategic investor into a company.
Business plan reachability analysis.
We help save and increase the efficiency of the purchasing department
The goal of ADFG Procurement Consulting is not just to compete for better prices, but to ensure the long-term achievement of lower costs by transferring proven best practices to your employees, transforming the purchasing function and effectively managing consumption.
We can guide you through the entire purchasing process, but also its individual parts. From the specification of needs and tenders, through the management of the relationship with the supplier to the continuous improvement and search for savings in the operation of your company, including the digitization of the purchasing function.
Shopping category strategySource to Contract
Contract management
Purchase to Pay
Supplier management